OCA and (technically separate!) OCA SCIO are pleased to invite you to this year’s AGM. Please save the date! Sunday 9th February 2025, 2.00pm in the Village Hall.

Please note the new date: TUESDAY 4TH MARCH 2025, 7.30PM IN THE VILLAGE HALL

EDIT: Due to a combination of circumstances (possibly a clash with school holidays and Six Nations Rugby match) we had very few attendees from the community on the original AGM date. In fact we were not quorate and so could not continue with the meetings. In consultation with those present we have a re-arranged date, which will hopefully be more suitable for lots more community members.

As usual, a summary of the big news of the year will be given and both committees will stand down and be re-elected.

If you are not already, please consider signing up to be a voting community member of the SCIO. This will be necessary in order to vote in the new SCIO committee! You can sign up here.

Village Hall Planning Submitted!

After a lot of time and effort spent, OCA are very happy to announce that the village hall Planning Application has been revamped and resubmitted!

You may already be aware that OCA took the disappointing decision to withdraw our previous Planning Application after some points were raised by East Lothian Council, which needed addressing in detail before our application was likely to proceed. We went back to the drawing boards with CSY, our architects, and went through a formal “pre-Planning Application” with ELC. This gave us a chance to get as clear an idea as possible of what ELC would like to see in a revised plan for our village hall.

Lots of iterations and a Local Place Plan later, and we now have our modified design committed to (electronic) paper. The changes are minor, in that the form and function of the design we all voted on is essentially unchanged. The hall now sits just over a metre further back behind the village green wall; and improved car parking, including an accessible parking space and footpath to the hall, are now formalised in the plans.

You can read the whole (now much more extensive!) document set here. The ELC Planning Application numbers are 24/00747/P and 24/00748/CAC for the new hall build and old hall demolition, respectively.