Planning Application submitted!

Big news for the new village hall – final Planning drawings have been submitted to East Lothian Council!

We’ve been really close to submitting for a few weeks now, but after a last few tweaks, we are finally there. Our architects, CSY, made the submission on 6th June and you can view the full document set here.

Our application is now live on the East Lothian Planning website. ELC have split it into two applications, one for demolition of the old hall, and one for the new building. The posts are open to public comment until 1st September.

So now we have to wait! We’ve already had a few questions back regarding planting in the grounds. The committee will continue to work with CSY to answer any questions that come up from the council regarding Planning, and work towards Warrant drawings will soon be under way.

Village Hall Rental Fee Exemption

The OCA SCIO Committee has recently been reviewing rental charges for use of the Village Hall by community residents, and we would like to announce details of exemptions from rental charges.

There will be NO hall rental charges for events booked/held by a community member/friend of Oldhamstocks, provided the follow criteria are met:

  • event should be for community member or close family (grandchild, child, parent, grandparent) and
  • should qualify as a ‘life event’, such as wedding, funeral tea, christening party or
  • be a fundraising event for a community member for a specific purpose

All other hall usage will continue to be charged at £7 per hour.

If anyone holding an event wishes to make a donation towards the upkeep of the hall, these will be most welcome.

If you have any questions about this, please contact the Secretary at

Committee meeting, May 4th 2023

Highlights: Committee agreed to instruct CSY to go ahead with Planning Application!

The latest report from our QS showed substantial rises in costs since the first estimates, 2 and half years ago. The committee has spent a great deal of time going through costs with the QS and the increases are now in line with what would be expected, considering the national levels of inflation, particularly in the construction industry.

The committee discussed the need for a small petrol generator to be kept on site. This is for emergencies only, so that the hall can be a reliable warm space during extended power cuts. It will work in tandem with solar panels and a battery, and can therefore be smaller than would otherwise be needed.

Meeting minutes 4.5.23

Committee meeting, Apr 4th 2023

Highlights: Committee physically pegged out and decided upon an amended land purchase area, based on concerns over possible land slippage from the steep slope at the back border. New border will be few metres lower down.

Meeting planned with CSY to make some adjustments to drawings that will be soon submitted for Planning Application with ELC.

Funds finally transferred from old OCA accounts to new OCA SCIO one, meaning that the first deposit into the interest bearing Community Benefit Fund can be made.

Meeting minutes 4.4.23

Committee meeting, Feb 28th 2023

Highlights: OCA SCIO, as a charity, has access to up to £80k of grant money from Local Energy Scotland for any measures that reduce the carbon footprint of our new hall. Should enable us to really maximise our use of renewable energy.

The new bank account for OCA SCIO has finally been opened! This means funds can start to be transferred from OCA, and we can then make our first substantial payment into the Community Benefit Fund.

Meeting minutes 28.2.23

Village Hall – Design update from CSY

Our village hall architects, Camerons Strachan Yuill (CSY) joined us after the OCA and OCA SCIO AGMs today, to present an update on the design of our new hall. They spent a full hour taking us from the basic design that was selected by the community last year, through several points of detail that OCA and CSY have developed, based on community feedback, such and storage space and WC facilities.

Neil and Douglas finished the presentation by unveiling a 1:100 scale physical model of the hall!

If you did not make the meeting, (or if you did, but would like a closer look!) you can view the whole presentation slide set PDF at your own pace.

Alternatively, to get (almost!) the full presentation experience, you can view the slides as videos with the full audio commentary from Neil and Douglas: CSY slides and audio, part 1 / CSY slides and audio, part 2.

Finally, the scale model will stay on view in the hall for you to view whenever you might be passing!

Any feedback or questions are more than welcome. Please email


Hello Oldhamstocks community!

The AGMs for both OCA and OCA SCIO will be held in the village hall on Sunday 29th January, from 2 to 4pm. As usual, everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend! Please view the official AGM notice and agenda here.

OCA is in the process of transitioning to OCA SCIO, so both AGMs take place at the same event but are technically separate. Every year, both committees officially stand down and are elected for the coming year. Anyone in the community may stand to be elected, and anyone may vote, as long as…

  • You live within the official community area or are a historical friend of the community
  • You are aged 16 or over

To vote in OCA SCIO, there is one further requirement:

  • You must be registered with OCA SCIO as a voting member

Membership is per person, not per household. To register to vote, please fill in this membership form. This will sign you up until you request to remove your membership. Paper copies will be available at the AGMs. The form contains a link to our data protection policies.

You are welcome to attend even if you are not voting. If you would like to raise a point under Any Other Business, please email at least 7 days in advance.

Hope to see you all there!