Village Hall – Design update from CSY

Our village hall architects, Camerons Strachan Yuill (CSY) joined us after the OCA and OCA SCIO AGMs today, to present an update on the design of our new hall. They spent a full hour taking us from the basic design that was selected by the community last year, through several points of detail that OCA and CSY have developed, based on community feedback, such and storage space and WC facilities.

Neil and Douglas finished the presentation by unveiling a 1:100 scale physical model of the hall!

If you did not make the meeting, (or if you did, but would like a closer look!) you can view the whole presentation slide set PDF at your own pace.

Alternatively, to get (almost!) the full presentation experience, you can view the slides as videos with the full audio commentary from Neil and Douglas: CSY slides and audio, part 1 / CSY slides and audio, part 2.

Finally, the scale model will stay on view in the hall for you to view whenever you might be passing!

Any feedback or questions are more than welcome. Please email