Committee meeting, Jan 21st 2016
Committee meeting, Nov 26th 2015
AGM, Sep 5th 2015
Community Survey – Oldhamstocks – 2013
Following a survey which returned the following suggested uses of community funding (people could choose more than one option), the local community was also asked what uses the village hall could be put to.
Fast forward to 2003
In 2013 the OCA decided that the constant maintenance of the fabric of the hall had reached a critical stage. They invited an architect to inspect the building and give some options for refurbishing.
The early years
As far back as the late 1970’s there were problems maintaining the hall roof and windows. In 1996 the Committee applied for national funding to rebuild the hall stating ” The present hall is of a wooden construction and was purchased second hand from the MOD Circa 1952 and is now somewhat worse for wear.