Highlights: CSY Architects had provided a series of revised sketches, which took into consideration comments/recommendations made by the ELC Planner. These were discussed with a view to moving to a final Planning Application. Still no progress from Savills on the land purchase. ELC have advised that they are willing to empty new dog waste bins if OCA can install them.
Committee meeting, February 6th 2024
Highlights: ELC advised that we should hear back on the village hall pre planning application by 22nd Feb. Purchase of village hall land shows no progress, despite all being agreed between OCA and the estate. On-demand bus service to start potentially as early as 12th Feb!
OCA/OCA SCIO AGMs, January 28th 2024
Highlights: AGMs for both OCA bodies took place. Both committees were re-elected, with the welcome addition of Iain Blackwood. Major project update on the new hall was given, following the AGMs.
Committee meeting, January 9th 2024
Highlights: Correspondence between CSY and the ELC on the Pre Planning application has begun, with some focus on the suggested parking area. Committee agreed on the need to increase efforts to contact Community Windpower regarding their financial contribution to the hall project.
AGM preparation underway!
OCA/OCA SCIO AGM announcement
OCA and (technically separate!) OCA SCIO are pleased to invite you to this year’s AGM. Please save the date! Sunday 28th January 2024, 2.00pm in the Village Hall.
As usual, a summary of the big news of the year will be given and both committees will stand down and be re-elected.
If you are not already, please consider signing up to be a voting community member of the SCIO. This will be necessary in order to vote in new SCIO committee! You can sign up here.
Village Hall – Pre Planning Submitted
Our Pre Planning Application for the new hall has now been submitted to East Lothian Council. As per the advice from our architects, we recently withdrew the original Planning Application, in order to give ourselves time to resolve some of the issues that were raised by ELC. The two main points were the provision of sufficient parking, and amount of the existing stone wall that was proposed to be taken down (even though the material was to be reused).
OCA would like to be clear that although this Pre Planning Application is an official process with ELC, the general purpose of such applications is to facilitate a detailed conversion with the council, allowing applicants to get some feedback on what is likely to be accepted or not, but without any final commitment to the submitted drawings. As such, the plans we are sharing here (although identical to our original submission in most details!) do not officially represent definite design choices at this point.
Despite this, we wanted to share the submission with the community, as it does represent a big positive step forward!
The documents that CSY have drawn up for this are considerably more extensive than the last submission. You can download and read the entire pack here. The major changes are those pictured in this post: the addition of a parking area and potential EV charging points near the church, and the reconstruction of a larger length of stone wall to the west of the new hall – (K) in the image below, and also (J), where the stone is now used in the construction of the front steps. Much more has also been included on the heritage and conservation status of the village, which will be important in ensuring parking solutions are sympathetic to the green and the village.
The next steps are to wait for written feedback from ELC and to organise a site meeting with a council representative. Both are expected in January. CSY feel sure that this will help us overcome any remaining issues and get us back to a full Planning Application.
As always, questions or comments are welcome. Please email info@oldhamstocks.org.uk.
New Year’s Day Gathering
Monday 1st January, 1 – 3pm, Village Hall
OCA invite you all to celebrate the new year in the (old!!) village hall.
Mulled wine and mince pies provided.
BYO anything else!
Committee meeting, December 5th 2023
Highlights: Pre Planning application draft has been supplied by CSY for OCA committee to read over before submission.
Christmas and New Year’s Day parties planned, as well as upcoming AGM!
Committee meeting, November 7th 2023
Highlights: Pre Planning application work has begun in CSY and they plan an onsite visit to better assess parking options. Legal fees for the land purchase have been advised and although larger than expected, OCA agreed to go ahead with the purchase. Children’s Christmas party will be December 17th!
Committee meeting, October 3rd 2023
Highlights: CSY have contacted with ELC Planning and Roads to clear up apparent contradictions vs published Planning Standards regarding the parking requirements for the new hall. Awaiting response. Various parking schemes have been discussed between CSY and OCA. The point of maintaining the conservation status of the village green has been raised as a strong counter to the most obvious parking locations. Land purchase price agreed – just waiting on precise legal fees.