The OHS AGM will be held on Tuesday 10th October, and they need your support! The annual Flower Show is a huge feat to organise and anyone is welcome to come along to the AGM, or even to join the committee and help out running the event!
Hall Planning temporarily withdrawn
The committee would like to announce that unfortunately, we have had to temporarily withdraw the Planning Application for the new hall. Provisional feedback from East Lothian Council raised some points that needed addressing before the application could be considered in full. This is of course very commonly the case with Planning Applications, and was fully expected. With CSY’s guidance, we were able to address many of the points raised, but some questions remained, such as the provision of suitable parking space and what is planned for the existing stone wall at the edge of the green.
With an impending deadline, CSY advised that it would be better to withdraw the application for now, rather than press ahead and be denied, which can look unfavourable on subsequent resubmissions.
What is planned now is to prepare a ‘pre-planning’ application, including requesting an on-site meeting with both the ELC planners and Roads Department. This should allow all parties to be clearer on requirements and opportunities and allow us to then resubmit our Planning Application with much more certainty in the outcome.
It’s not the news we were hoping to be able to share with you of course, but CSY remain confident of finding a positive solution and getting us through this big step in the process.
Any updates will be shared as soon as possible!
Local Place Plan: Your community needs your ideas!
Did you know that East Lothian Council is putting together a 10 year strategy to develop our area, called a Local Development Plan?
The communities of East Lammermuir now have the opportunity to influence that LDP with our own Local Place Plans. But we must do it now! We must submit any LPPs by October this year.
- Local Place Plans are a new type of plan (introduced by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019) giving communities the opportunity to create proposals for the development and use of land in their place, enabling communities to focus on their aspirations as well as their needs.
- While Local Place Plans may touch upon any issue that relates to a particular place, the core focus should be on the development and use of land, for example, housing land allocation or the design of new public green space
- You can see general guidance about Local Place Plans here:
There are two ways that you give your input to our Local Place Plan…
Please please please, fill in ELCC’s Local Place Plan survey here: This is where you can put all your ideas for the local area down on ‘paper’. (Actual paper copies are available!)
Alternatively, (or additionally!) please come along to one of the public discussion sessions, detailed in the leaflet below.
This is an important opportunity to influence the major developments that we are going to see in the coming years. Please share this widely – it’s open to all!
Committee meeting, September 6th 2023
Highlights: Community meetings for the Local Place Plan were arranged. ELC have replied to the village hall Planning Application with some concerns. Key objections, amongst other points, were lack of new parking, and the moving of stone material from the existing village green wall. CSY have advised that we should withdraw the application and submit a Pre Planning application, which should facilitate more detailed discussions with ELC. OCA have agreed to this.
Update on Fire at Landfill Site, Dunbar
An update from East Lothian Council:
Good afternoon all,
In addition to public communications the Council are about to issue I wanted to give you an update on the fire currently burning at the landfill site at Dunbar.
SEPA are the lead agency in respect of regulating the site and have been onsite today, actively assessing the situation along with colleagues from SFRS and ELC Environmental Health Services. SEPA have confirmed that the site is authorised to dispose of non-hazardous waste.
Following these assessments a multi-agency Incident Response Group meeting involving key partner agencies including SEPA, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, NHS Lothian, Police Scotland and Council Services was held to discuss and update information on the incident and agree on public messaging.
While the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service continue to monitor the situation, the fire is ‘under control and being managed by the site operator, though may continue to burn for many days.’
SEPA have ensured the operator is taking all necessary measures and have provided advice and guidance on mitigations, alongside colleagues from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.
SEPA and the ELC Environmental Health Service will remain on site over the coming days to monitor both the fire and the smoke plume alongside CHEMET reports from Met Office colleagues while Incident Response Group meetings will continue as required.
The current wind direction is blowing the plume of smoke away from main housing areas while general health advice is to keep windows closed and avoid being outside for long periods of time if the smoke is particularly bad.
As all partner agencies monitor the incident the Council will update the social media communications message and I will keep you all updated.
Scott Kennedy
Team Manager – Emergency Planning and Resilience
Protective Services, East Lothian Council,
Penston House, Macmerry Industrial Estate,
East Lothian EH33 1EX
W: 01620 827247
M: 07920 066099
Post-Flower Show BBQ!
To make the most of the day and the marquee, OCA will this year host a barbecue, immediately following on from the Flower Show. Come rain or shine, there will be food and music from 6 til 8pm. The Outside Inn bar will be staying on as well!
Please help us judge food quantities by pre-booking if you can. Just email with the request for your group. We will send bank details and ask if you would prefer meat or veggie on the night! Tickets will be available on the door, but in limited numbers.
Committee meeting, August 1st 2023
Highlights: The committee’s response to the land purchase offer made by Savilles has been sent, and we await a reply…
The village hall Planning Application has now been submitted!
East Lothian Draft Dementia Strategy Consultation
East Lothian Council are asking for your review of their proposed Dementia Strategy. Their message:
As you know, dementia can affect younger and older people and by 2040 we estimate that around 3,500 people will be living with dementia in East Lothian. We also have to consider the impact for families and carers.
The survey takes you through the key points of the strategy. It asks you to say if we have got the important things right and if there is anything else you think we should look at. You can find the survey at East Lothian Dementia Strategy – East Lothian Council – Citizen Space (
Committee meeting, July 4th 2023
Highlights: An offer of a purchase price for the village hall land has been received. The committee felt the offer was far too high and have drafted a letter in response.
The Planning Application is now only waiting on clarification on pricing before going live on the ELC website.
Works is under way to get OCA SCIO officially recognised as a VAT-exempt charity. This will save us substantial amounts on the hall build.
Committee meeting, June 8th 2023
Highlights: Planning Application for the village hall has been submitted! Still waiting for it to be live on the East Lothian Council website, but a real big step forward!
The committee is pursuing an official VAT exemption certificate from HMRC, base on our charitable status.
Points from the community regarding bike racks in the village, and on disabled access to the new hall across the village have been noted.