Hello Oldhamstocks community!

The AGMs for both OCA and OCA SCIO will be held in the village hall on Sunday 29th January, from 2 to 4pm. As usual, everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend! Please view the official AGM notice and agenda here.

OCA is in the process of transitioning to OCA SCIO, so both AGMs take place at the same event but are technically separate. Every year, both committees officially stand down and are elected for the coming year. Anyone in the community may stand to be elected, and anyone may vote, as long as…

  • You live within the official community area or are a historical friend of the community
  • You are aged 16 or over

To vote in OCA SCIO, there is one further requirement:

  • You must be registered with OCA SCIO as a voting member

Membership is per person, not per household. To register to vote, please fill in this membership form. This will sign you up until you request to remove your membership. Paper copies will be available at the AGMs. The form contains a link to our data protection policies.

You are welcome to attend even if you are not voting. If you would like to raise a point under Any Other Business, please email info@oldhamstocks.org.uk at least 7 days in advance.

Hope to see you all there!

Committee meeting, Dec 6th 2022

Highlights: The committee were joined by representatives of CSY who presented revised design ideas, based on both community and committee feedback. Various points of detail discussed. CSY will make present to the community at the AGMs, including a 3D model, and will take questions from the community afterwards. AGMs are decided to be held Sunday 29th January was confirmed, 2 – 4pm in Village Hall.

Meeting minutes 06.12.22